Mauri ora

Birgit Baader, living in New Zealand since 2005, has written and published books and articles in various print and online media as well as produced films and CDs. The author of Geburt – Wiederentdeckung des weiblichen Weges (Birth – Rediscovery of the Female Way), Neue Wege der Evolution (New Ways of Evolution), Kinder des Neuen Jahrtausend (Children of the New Millenium) is committed to share knowledge and skills that create a balanced and healthy base to meet life’s challenges. Her intention is to raise awareness for the great sacred web that connects all life. She strives to strengthen the feeling of interconnectedness and “oneness”, and to share tools for self-awareness and self-empowerment. With extrasensory and interspecies communication, she believes we can plunge into a universal pool of wisdom and knowledge that reaches far beyond the physical limits of our own species.
Represented by AGENCE HOFFMAN
Represented by AGENCE HOFFMAN
Our expression and our words never coincide, which is why the animals don't understand us.
Malcolm De Chazal (1902-1981)