However... I observe some "side effects" of money usage that a lot of people living in Western industrialised societies don't seem to be overly aware of. Hence these reflections :)
People who live in modern Western societies mostly grow up with what I call a “monetary mindset”: They are trained and imprinted in thinking that money and money-making is essential to live a happy and abundant life. This is a deep-rooted belief that is installed in children from a very young age: They observe the humans around them, they see how their whole society and culture follows and expresses this belief. They watch how parenting and education is targeted towards money-making – their parents and teachers want to make sure that they get a good education to get a good job that pays for their lives. They see how adults arrange their lives around “money-making” – and often don’t have time to play or sit with them because they have to “earn a living”, nor to follow their passions in life (often banned to the "hobby" or after-work realm, work meaning "money making activities"). The adults around them who follow their hearts and do what they love doing to serve their communities and to support all life are often in the minority.
Sometimes this money-making mindset is very obvious and dominant, sometimes more subtle – but it is always there and deeply ingrained in the society and culture they/we live in. Our whole language is impregnated by terms that illustrate this mind-set. Instead of being a tool money and money-making became a “thing” that has its own dynamic. People attribute and attach a whole lot of stuff to it. And all our actions and decisions are heavily influenced by the money-making mindset. Originally a tool to ease transactions and to exchange goods, it now became way more and took away our awareness of how to deeply connect and share our gifts in other ways, too.
The money-making mindset comes from a society that is very male-energy dominated. With this I don’t mean men-dominated. I am looking at male and female energies that are present no matter what gender we are. Our “Western societies” are heavily male-energy dominated in many ways and most systems we have created (education, health, government, business, parenting) are. As a consequence we see a focus on intellectual and physical aspects. And a lack of feeling, empathy and heart matters. A focus on structural aspects to hold things – and a lack of heart-centered life-supporting content.
We need both energies, male and female, to find balance in life. We have to breathe out after breathing in. This means we need to bring back the female aspects of nurturing, giving, sharing freely and abundantly while trusting that life energy supports us while we are supporting life energy! We need to bring back, connect with and trust our intuition. We need to experience and let our children experience how it feels when we share our gifts freely with each other and contribute to the balance of all life on this planet. We need to be aware of the intention behind our actions and activities - and consciously choose what we do and how we do it.
Many indigenous people around the world know this. The Maori people of Aotearoa (New Zealand), for example, share the concept of takoha: an open exchange of energies where people share their gifts with each other honouring and respecting the value of each gift in whatever form they are able to. Money is just one way of doing this - and it can be a very useful and appropriate one. Yet, in my opinion, we need to be aware of all the "strings attached" to it and our intentions.
A huge part of my “work” is to make people aware of this topic & the corresponding mindsets and to strengthen “female aspects” and the resulting conscious feeling of interconnectedness of all life.
Mums are rising future generations. Mums are very influential: they set the “tone”, install core beliefs and have a great impact on how children grow and live their lives. A lot of women (and men) have grown up in a money-making setting – and pass this on without being aware of it. We can observe the devastating (= life-destructing) consequences all around. Mother earth, Life as such is deeply affected and out of balance. Single mums are forced to earn a living while raising their child(ren). I am one, too! It isn't easy to juggle everyday needs and practical requirements in a society that is essentially based on the money-making mindset. There is no - or not much - support for mums to operate on another level. Yet: change is coming. More and more businesses and politicians open up to restore the balance. It might take a while to reach a point of balance. But the first step is to address the underlying mindset and to start operating from a different place.
Mums can bring back balance by connecting with Soul & female energies and passing on a more balanced “mind-set” to their children. Bringing back balance encompasses all areas and aspects of life: it will naturally lead to abundance and happiness.
We will have what we need in order to do what we came to do on this planet.
We contribute to each other’s wellbeing because we know that wellbeing arises from connecting with each other and sharing our gifts. May this be in monetary form or other forms – it doesn’t matter!
In order to restore natural balance, we need to acknowledge the effect(s) the current prevalent monetary mind-set has on people – men and women – and reclaim the power we have attributed to it. In my view, women and the rise of female energies (in women and men) play an important part in this. Initiatives like gift economy and alternative business models are experiments that point in a different direction. Reconnecting with indigenous wisdom and “old lore” will also assist us on this journey.