In courses, seminars, books you learn a lot about how to design a garden, what to plant where and when, in short: you'll learn a lot of mind information and intellectual knowledge. You learn about the "usage aspect" of plants, animals and other life forms. How you can maximise fruit bearing, growth, your harvest, meat production. From my point of view, this is only one aspect of a relationship. If we give in order to receive than there is an expectation that creates a dependency, and this automatically has an effect on the relationship. Henry Thoreau is supposed to have said: “The earth is more to be admired than to be used.” I’d like to add: and more to be enjoyed than to be used.
In modern societies we sometimes behave as if we had to learn everything through trial and error. We have a very scientific approach. We dissect things and see ourselves as separate from other life forms. There is another approach to get in touch with another being, and to establish a relationship and enrich and enjoy each other’s company. This is where the heart aspect comes in. Let's leave the mind aside for a while. I don’t have to know your name, your educational background, your qualifications or whatever it might be in order to explore this aspect. If I tune in and sit with you, open myself up to your being, I can connect with you on a different level than through the mind. I then can feel you, and receive information about your being and the uniqueness that you are sharing. Some of my shamanic teachers said: “You don’t have to know, feel.” I think a combination of both is leading us towards balance.
Let's explore this mind-less form of communication a bit more; a communication without words, a way of holographic imaging that goes beyond our own species. I think it is important to start connecting and communicating on this level because we all have a deep longing to belong and to know our place in the universe. Some have lost the feeling of belonging to the natural world, and so they got out of balance and feel scared and insecure. I find it funny that the word 'alone' in many languages reflects this out-of-balance situation: al-one, all-ein, tout-seul which in French means all and self. The word includes the solution of the challenges we face. If we feel that we are all one, to be al-one loses its negativity. All the games we are playing out of fear not to belong or to end up being alone would end when we actually could feel our all-oneness.
Another positive aspect is that relating and communicating from this place is a very direct way of exchange. There is no mind that interferes. It’s nothing new. Shamans around the world do it and have done it since ancient times. People like Rudolf Steiner, Maria von Thun, Hildegard von Bingen, Maria Sabina and countless others have done it. We all have the ability to communicate like this. We just have to start doing it.
Whenever a living being has acquired a certain skill or ability it creates an energy field that is accessible everywhere for everybody. Rupert Sheldrake, a cutting edge biologist you might have heard of, speaks of 'morphogenetic fields' in this regard.
There is a huge pool of experience, skills, knowledge we ll can tap into and scoop from. And the cool thing: We do not have to learn everything from scratch each time! We do not have to invent the wheel again and again. When we become still, open up and tune into these fields or universal consciousness or whatever we want to call it, we can access everything. And we do not need books, lectures, etc. It is a very direct way of getting information.
I used to work in a seminar centre for individual and social therapies organizing and coordinating seminars and I met some great human teachers there. The people who worked there lived together in a community. As in many other communities I have seen we had all kinds of relationship issues, and I felt the need to balance these tensions and conflicts. This community had a Demeter garden to provide the food for the whole seminar centre, where they were running residential courses in permaculture, Demeter gardening, bio dynamics, shamanism, cancer therapy and many more topics. I asked the garden manager, if I could participate and spend my spare time in the garden. He was a quiet wise man, full of knowledge. Before the garden season started he asked me to do a plan for the garden and write down where we should plant what. It was a huge garden, and a wide variety of plants. I felt I had neither the knowledge nor the skill to do this. He just smiled and said: "Just come up with 'something'. Follow your intuition."
It took me quite a while to check what plants had been in a certain bed the year before, to make sure that we did not plant the same things at the same spot, and so on. When I finally thought I got it right, I gave my plan to him. He looked at me and asked: “Where did you create that plan?” “Well, I looked at the plan from last year and checked the plants for this year, wrote everything down and worked it all out in my caravan.” “Did you ask the plants?” he wanted to know. I did not understand this question. “Well”, he explained, “how would you like it, if I came up with a plan who lives where in this community without asking you. I would put Barbara with her dog in the house farthest away, Richard next to Wolf, because they hang out the whole time anyway, you would go in the little cottage next to Sarah, because you can get along with almost everybody if you want to, and so on.” And he had a good understandable reason for every change he suggested.
This analogy switched on many light bulbs for me. It seemed all so logical when he explained it – I just had not thought about it before. After our conversation he asked the whole garden crew to asks the plants where they would like to be planted. We had three huge glass houses full of boxes with seedlings. Each of us should go separately, and then we would come back and compare our answers. For me it was easy to receive what the plants were saying – when I was a child I would always hear the voices of trees, dogs in the street, birds, and all kind of beings. Because my family always turned it down as creations of my imagination I just did not take it seriously any more!
We came together and it was incredibly rewarding to see that – with a few exceptions – we all got the same answers. The most impressive and reconfirming thing were the beet roots. When we came to their answer, nobody wanted to say something at first. The reason why I did not say anything was because I had heard that they wanted to be planted outside of the designated garden area. There was a pasture that was not used for animal grazing any more. A great variety of grasses and wild flowers and all sorts of plants grew there. I did not dare to say anything because I thought it would not be possible to plant them there and I did not fully trust my perception at that time. However, it turned out that all of us had received the same answer! So we spend the next few days carefully preparing some beds in this pasture – and the beet roots were thriving...
Since then, I have always asked the plants and seedlings I cared for. When we came to New Zealand I did not know the natives very well. I did not know about their needs and preferences. So I asked them. They will tell you – even if you know nothing about them.
All you have to do is to become still, open up and tune in.
Plants have been on this earth for much longer than us humans. They have a very deep knowledge of all kind of things. They are very giving, empathic beings. They live of the light and their structure often reflects the stars or sacred geometry. So if you want to start to practice this kind of communication, individuals of the plant kingdom are very good teachers. As in the human world there are some individuals who feel more open and ready to teach or share with others. Just follow the law of attraction. For me trees are very clear and easily understandable communicators. Don’t let your mind interfere. Don’t expect anything. Just be. And the more you just open up, prepared to receive and listen, the more you will understand and the easier you will be able to tune in. There is no method or specific way to do it. You have to find your own way how to tune in, quiet your mind and open up. For some it helps to close your eyes to stop the distraction of external things. It’s like with everything else: the more you do it, the easier it’ll be. But because it is already installed within us, it’s like running down a hill. You just have to do the first step and you’ll be carried forward, without much of an effort.
This form of communication can be used with anything that is part of the energy matrix. You can talk with individuals of your own species that cannot speak your language, for instance, or are mute or autistic or in a coma or far away. You can communicate with your own body cells and structures. And you can connect with the elemental beings as well as with animals, minerals, wind, fire – with anything.
I feel the fact that you are reading this, that your journey guided you to this place in the world wide web, indicates that you might want to explore the depths of this way of communication. And possibly sharing it with everybody you meet along your path. I want to encourage you to do it because it opens up wonderful possibilities of learning and sharing and connection that will help us to better understand and love ourselves and each other and other forms of life – because we will be able to feel that we are all one.
In modern societies we sometimes behave as if we had to learn everything through trial and error. We have a very scientific approach. We dissect things and see ourselves as separate from other life forms. There is another approach to get in touch with another being, and to establish a relationship and enrich and enjoy each other’s company. This is where the heart aspect comes in. Let's leave the mind aside for a while. I don’t have to know your name, your educational background, your qualifications or whatever it might be in order to explore this aspect. If I tune in and sit with you, open myself up to your being, I can connect with you on a different level than through the mind. I then can feel you, and receive information about your being and the uniqueness that you are sharing. Some of my shamanic teachers said: “You don’t have to know, feel.” I think a combination of both is leading us towards balance.
Let's explore this mind-less form of communication a bit more; a communication without words, a way of holographic imaging that goes beyond our own species. I think it is important to start connecting and communicating on this level because we all have a deep longing to belong and to know our place in the universe. Some have lost the feeling of belonging to the natural world, and so they got out of balance and feel scared and insecure. I find it funny that the word 'alone' in many languages reflects this out-of-balance situation: al-one, all-ein, tout-seul which in French means all and self. The word includes the solution of the challenges we face. If we feel that we are all one, to be al-one loses its negativity. All the games we are playing out of fear not to belong or to end up being alone would end when we actually could feel our all-oneness.
Another positive aspect is that relating and communicating from this place is a very direct way of exchange. There is no mind that interferes. It’s nothing new. Shamans around the world do it and have done it since ancient times. People like Rudolf Steiner, Maria von Thun, Hildegard von Bingen, Maria Sabina and countless others have done it. We all have the ability to communicate like this. We just have to start doing it.
Whenever a living being has acquired a certain skill or ability it creates an energy field that is accessible everywhere for everybody. Rupert Sheldrake, a cutting edge biologist you might have heard of, speaks of 'morphogenetic fields' in this regard.
There is a huge pool of experience, skills, knowledge we ll can tap into and scoop from. And the cool thing: We do not have to learn everything from scratch each time! We do not have to invent the wheel again and again. When we become still, open up and tune into these fields or universal consciousness or whatever we want to call it, we can access everything. And we do not need books, lectures, etc. It is a very direct way of getting information.
I used to work in a seminar centre for individual and social therapies organizing and coordinating seminars and I met some great human teachers there. The people who worked there lived together in a community. As in many other communities I have seen we had all kinds of relationship issues, and I felt the need to balance these tensions and conflicts. This community had a Demeter garden to provide the food for the whole seminar centre, where they were running residential courses in permaculture, Demeter gardening, bio dynamics, shamanism, cancer therapy and many more topics. I asked the garden manager, if I could participate and spend my spare time in the garden. He was a quiet wise man, full of knowledge. Before the garden season started he asked me to do a plan for the garden and write down where we should plant what. It was a huge garden, and a wide variety of plants. I felt I had neither the knowledge nor the skill to do this. He just smiled and said: "Just come up with 'something'. Follow your intuition."
It took me quite a while to check what plants had been in a certain bed the year before, to make sure that we did not plant the same things at the same spot, and so on. When I finally thought I got it right, I gave my plan to him. He looked at me and asked: “Where did you create that plan?” “Well, I looked at the plan from last year and checked the plants for this year, wrote everything down and worked it all out in my caravan.” “Did you ask the plants?” he wanted to know. I did not understand this question. “Well”, he explained, “how would you like it, if I came up with a plan who lives where in this community without asking you. I would put Barbara with her dog in the house farthest away, Richard next to Wolf, because they hang out the whole time anyway, you would go in the little cottage next to Sarah, because you can get along with almost everybody if you want to, and so on.” And he had a good understandable reason for every change he suggested.
This analogy switched on many light bulbs for me. It seemed all so logical when he explained it – I just had not thought about it before. After our conversation he asked the whole garden crew to asks the plants where they would like to be planted. We had three huge glass houses full of boxes with seedlings. Each of us should go separately, and then we would come back and compare our answers. For me it was easy to receive what the plants were saying – when I was a child I would always hear the voices of trees, dogs in the street, birds, and all kind of beings. Because my family always turned it down as creations of my imagination I just did not take it seriously any more!
We came together and it was incredibly rewarding to see that – with a few exceptions – we all got the same answers. The most impressive and reconfirming thing were the beet roots. When we came to their answer, nobody wanted to say something at first. The reason why I did not say anything was because I had heard that they wanted to be planted outside of the designated garden area. There was a pasture that was not used for animal grazing any more. A great variety of grasses and wild flowers and all sorts of plants grew there. I did not dare to say anything because I thought it would not be possible to plant them there and I did not fully trust my perception at that time. However, it turned out that all of us had received the same answer! So we spend the next few days carefully preparing some beds in this pasture – and the beet roots were thriving...
Since then, I have always asked the plants and seedlings I cared for. When we came to New Zealand I did not know the natives very well. I did not know about their needs and preferences. So I asked them. They will tell you – even if you know nothing about them.
All you have to do is to become still, open up and tune in.
Plants have been on this earth for much longer than us humans. They have a very deep knowledge of all kind of things. They are very giving, empathic beings. They live of the light and their structure often reflects the stars or sacred geometry. So if you want to start to practice this kind of communication, individuals of the plant kingdom are very good teachers. As in the human world there are some individuals who feel more open and ready to teach or share with others. Just follow the law of attraction. For me trees are very clear and easily understandable communicators. Don’t let your mind interfere. Don’t expect anything. Just be. And the more you just open up, prepared to receive and listen, the more you will understand and the easier you will be able to tune in. There is no method or specific way to do it. You have to find your own way how to tune in, quiet your mind and open up. For some it helps to close your eyes to stop the distraction of external things. It’s like with everything else: the more you do it, the easier it’ll be. But because it is already installed within us, it’s like running down a hill. You just have to do the first step and you’ll be carried forward, without much of an effort.
This form of communication can be used with anything that is part of the energy matrix. You can talk with individuals of your own species that cannot speak your language, for instance, or are mute or autistic or in a coma or far away. You can communicate with your own body cells and structures. And you can connect with the elemental beings as well as with animals, minerals, wind, fire – with anything.
I feel the fact that you are reading this, that your journey guided you to this place in the world wide web, indicates that you might want to explore the depths of this way of communication. And possibly sharing it with everybody you meet along your path. I want to encourage you to do it because it opens up wonderful possibilities of learning and sharing and connection that will help us to better understand and love ourselves and each other and other forms of life – because we will be able to feel that we are all one.