... a place where children of all backgrounds, races, cultures, faiths can be and become and develop according to their individual needs, talents, pace.
... how children who are growing up like this “tick” completely different from those who undergo current mainstream education that submits them under standardised programs
... how these children think and feel in completely different ways, develop different skills and have a completely different attitude and approach towards life
... how the balance within the children is maintained, nourished and restored at this place enabling them to find out how they can balance themselves, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually
... how children who learn how to balance themselves and take on self-responsibility from a very young age will bring this balance not only into their lives but also “radiate out” into their surroundings
... how these children make a change
... how these children co-create and foster communities that are life-sustaining, resilient, interconnected, and beneficial for all life
... how much the happiness-level and therefore the motivational and “achievement” level raise while aggressive, violent, disruptive behaviour and other symptoms of imbalance drop
... the huge pool of creativity, unique skills and talents, diversity, awesomeness that would be freed up and made accessible for the benefit of all life
... the solutions outside of the box that will show up once the children are allowed to tune into themselves and are supported to develop their full individual potential
... a place where children of all backgrounds, races, cultures, faiths can be and become and develop according to their individual needs, talents, pace.
... how children who are growing up like this “tick” completely different from those who undergo current mainstream education that submits them under standardised programs
... how these children think and feel in completely different ways, develop different skills and have a completely different attitude and approach towards life
... how the balance within the children is maintained, nourished and restored at this place enabling them to find out how they can balance themselves, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually
... how children who learn how to balance themselves and take on self-responsibility from a very young age will bring this balance not only into their lives but also “radiate out” into their surroundings
... how these children make a change
... how these children co-create and foster communities that are life-sustaining, resilient, interconnected, and beneficial for all life
... how much the happiness-level and therefore the motivational and “achievement” level raise while aggressive, violent, disruptive behaviour and other symptoms of imbalance drop
... the huge pool of creativity, unique skills and talents, diversity, awesomeness that would be freed up and made accessible for the benefit of all life
... the solutions outside of the box that will show up once the children are allowed to tune into themselves and are supported to develop their full individual potential