Spiritual practices are becoming more and more “in” and respected: Yoga and mindfulness are no longer considered some weird airy-fairy practices, but have been accepted into the mainstream. After a very long period of time (in human terms, at least) of suppressing spirituality or trying to press it into rigid religious boxes, spiritual energies seem to find their way back into (Western) human consciousness.
The word spirit derives from the Latin word spiritus = breath or breathing. Spirit (or spiritual energy) is the breath that animates everything alive. Indigenous cultures always accepted the fact that spiritual energies are the driving force behind all life and acknowledge and honour the spirit in all life forms.
In this sense, everyone is spiritual. Everything we create, everything we are inspired to do (Lat. inspirare = breathing life into something/someone), holds spiritual energies. If we are aware of it or not, our lives are based on spiritual energies. Spiritual energies are the blue print of everything that exists, of everything that has been, is and will be created or brought into life. Mainstream Western culture often ignores this simple fact – and pays a high price for disconnecting from vital energies. We can see the consequences all around: wars, exploitation, abuse, extinction, disorientation, mental, emotional and physical imbalances and dis-eases. It plays out in all areas of modern life: health and social welfare, education, economy, “environment”…
The word spirit derives from the Latin word spiritus = breath or breathing. Spirit (or spiritual energy) is the breath that animates everything alive. Indigenous cultures always accepted the fact that spiritual energies are the driving force behind all life and acknowledge and honour the spirit in all life forms.
In this sense, everyone is spiritual. Everything we create, everything we are inspired to do (Lat. inspirare = breathing life into something/someone), holds spiritual energies. If we are aware of it or not, our lives are based on spiritual energies. Spiritual energies are the blue print of everything that exists, of everything that has been, is and will be created or brought into life. Mainstream Western culture often ignores this simple fact – and pays a high price for disconnecting from vital energies. We can see the consequences all around: wars, exploitation, abuse, extinction, disorientation, mental, emotional and physical imbalances and dis-eases. It plays out in all areas of modern life: health and social welfare, education, economy, “environment”…
If we want to restore the balance, we need to reconnect with our innate knowing that everything is in-spired = breathed into life by spiritual energies. Indigenous cultures can lead the way. In a business context this means: We need to be aware of the spirit that flows within all things and take it into consideration to create sustainable outcomes. This influences the whole structure and ways of doing business. Workplace culture, product or service design, resource management, investment policies, marketing strategies – everything we do has an impact on the flow of spiritual energies. This flow can be blocked or enhanced by our actions. To become aware of spiritual energies as the life-giving force that connects all life and creation is essential to keep us (and our businesses) alive. Spiritual business is not a “new trend” – it is a necessity.